Optical Window Products for All Types of Applications
At Brighten Optics Ltd., we manufacture optical windows and mirrors. Reflective coatings for mirrors and a variety of other applications are available. If you can’t find the type of window, mirror, or coating that works for your needs, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Please call our team to request a quote or to discuss purchasing the optical window, mirror, or reflective coating products you see here.

Optical Glass Windows
BK7 is the standard material for windows. BK7 has good performance over visible and near infrared wavelength region. Single layer or multi-layer anti-reflection coatings are available.

UV Fused Silica Windows
UV fused silica is the standard material for windows. UV fused silica has very low thermal expansion, high transmission over a broad spectrum, and good laser damage resistance. Single layer or multi-layer anti-reflection coatings are available.

Sapphire Windows
Sapphire windows are scratch resistant and have broad transmission range from the UV to the NIR. Sapphire is single crystal aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and because of its structural strength, sapphire windows can be made much thinner than from other materials.

Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) Windows
Calcium fluoride material has superior transmission over a wide spectral range and is well-suited for use in high power laser optics due to its low absorption. Polished surfaces are stable and will last several years under normal conditions.

Wedged Windows
BK7 and fused silica are the standard materials for wedged windows. Wedged windows are used to produce minor angular or linear beam displacements and optical path differences. They are specifically designed to separate first and second surface reflections.


Broadband Metallic Mirrors
Broadband metallic mirrors are excellent economical broadband reflectors. We can provide protected aluminum, UV enhanced aluminum, protected silver, enhanced silver, protected gold, and enhanced gold coating on the first surface, covering the UV, visible, and IR. The reflection performance of metallic coatings is NOT sensitive to incident light properties of polarization and incident angle.

Dielectric Mirrors
Dielectric mirrors are highly efficient over a broad wavelength range. With dielectric coating, they are extremely durable and will withstand repeated cleaning. They are the preferred solution for high energy/power laser applications.
BroadBand Antireflection Coating
Anti-reflection coatings reduce surface reflections. Two types of broadband coating are offered. A single layer of MgF2 coating reduces reflections per surface to about 1.5% over a broad bandwidth. If a lower reflectance is required a multi-layer broadband coating will offer an average reflectance less than 0.5% per surface.
Single and Dual Wavelength AR Coating
A single wavelength V-AR coating offers reflectance to near-zero at the chosen wavelength. Dual wavelength coating will approach the performance of V-coat for two specific wavelengths.
Metallic High Reflection Coating
Metallic coatings make broad bandwidth reflectors. Metallic coatings are usually over-coated with a hard single dielectric layer to improve abrasion and tarnish resistance. The advantage of metallic coatings is insensitivity to polarization and incident angle.
Dielectric High Reflection Coating
Dielectric coatings can exceed the highest metallic reflectance over limited wavelength intervals. Such coatings are effective for both s- and p-polarization components and over a wide range of angles of incidence. Dielectric coatings offer higher durability and abrasion resistance than metallic coatings and are ideal for high energy/power laser applications.